These are the steps to setup this jekyll site repository on a Mac. All the code snippets are to be run in the terminal.

Base setup

Install Xcode Command Line Tools

Homebrew requires Xcode Command Line Tools to be installed if Xcode is not already installed.

Open the Terminal (Command + Space) and run the following command:

xcode-select --install

Confirm that you have installed Xcode Command Line Tools by running the following command:

xcode-select -p

Install Homebrew

Homebrew is a package manager for macOS. It is a fork of the original Homebrew package manager for Linux, and is developed and maintained by Homebrew.

Install docs

# Install Homebrew
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

confirm that you have installed Homebrew by running the following command:

# Confirm Homebrew installation
brew -v

Install Github Command Line Interface

The Github CLI is a command line interface for the Github API. It is used to create and manage repositories. It is also used to create and manage issues and pull requests.

# Install Github CLI
brew install gh

Confirm that you have installed the Github Command Line Interface by running the following command:

# Confirm Github CLI installation
gh --version

Login to gh cli using your github credentials

# Login to gh cli
gh auth login

Find your User ID in the github emails settings more info here

echo 'What is your Github ID?' 
read GIT_ID
echo 'What is your Github User Name?'
git config --global "$GIT_ID+$"
git config --global "$GIT_ID+$"

Install Software Packages (optional)

Detailed instructions for installing software packages can be found in the Brewfile section.

# Navigate to your home directory and clone the brewfile
cd ~
gh repo clone bamr87/brewfile ~/.brew
# Navigate into brew file repo and install packages
cd ~/.brew
brew bundle
brew bundle --file bundles/core/

Or install individually using a loop

# Include init_world/hello-mac/
mkdir _quest/init_world/hello-mac/
ln ../_quest/init_world/hello-mac/ _quest/init_world/hello-mac/

echo "Hello Brew! Lets intall some crap"
read -p 'Install or Uninstall? ' parm1
if [ $parm1 = 'Install']
    echo '$parm1 now...'
brew $parm1 --cask atom \
 google-chrome \
 google-drive-file-stream \
 firefox \
 onedrive \
 alfred \
 iterm2 \
 google-cloud-sdk \
 inkscape \
 sonic-pi \
 postman \
 awscli \
brew $parm1 wget \
 bash-completion \
 zsh \
 node \
 rdesktop \
 irssi \
 gh \
 tree \
 nmap \
 powershell \


Install VS Code

VS Code is a text editor that integrates well with Github. It is a free and open source software editor.

#install VS Code via Homebrew
brew install cask visual-studio-code

Log into VS code using your github account by clicking on the Account icon on the bottom left of the VS code window.

Jekyll & ruby Setup

Detailed instructions

Set SDKROOT (only macOS Catalina or later)

export SDKROOT=$(xcrun --show-sdk-path)

Install Ruby


Ruby is the programming language of choice for Jekyll, and also manages the dependencies for the Jekyll gem.

# Install Ruby
brew install ruby@2.7

Add Ruby to PATH

Ah, the `$PATH` variable in Linux and MacOS – it's like the wise old map of a seasoned explorer! This variable is crucial because it tells your system where to look for the executable files (those little adventurers that actually run your commands) when you type a command in the terminal.

Imagine you're in a vast library (your computer) looking for a specific book (a program, like `python` or `git`). Now, if this library had no organization, you'd be wandering around forever! That's where `$PATH` comes in – it's like a magical index telling you exactly in which aisles (directories) to look for your book (executable file).

When you type a command, the system checks each directory listed in your `$PATH` variable, in the order they're listed. If it finds the executable file in one of these directories, voilà! The command runs. If not, it's like hitting a dead end in a maze, and you get an error saying the command wasn't found.

You can see your current `$PATH` by typing `echo $PATH` in the terminal. It shows a list of paths, separated by colons. You can add new paths to it, ensuring that your system knows about more places to look for your programs. 

Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Modify the `$PATH` wisely, or you might lead your system into a labyrinth of confusion!

After install, you need to add the executables to your PATH. Otherwise, you will not be able to run Ruby or Jekyll.

First check which terminal shell you are using:

echo $SHELL

Add new PATH to ruby 2.7 by inserting into your profile

# This tells your system where to look for the executable files and where the gems are located

export PATH="/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin:/usr/local/opt/ruby@2.7/bin:/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/bin:$PATH"
export PATH=/usr/local/opt/ruby@2.7/bin:$PATH
export PATH=`gem environment gemdir`/bin:$PATH
# Add Ruby to your PATH if you're using Zsh
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin:/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.4/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
echo 'export PATH=`gem environment gemdir`/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.zshrc
# Add Ruby to your PATH If you're using Bash
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin:/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.4/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile

Install Jekyll

Once Ruby is installed, you can install Jekyll. First exit the terminal and open a new terminal to initialize the new PATH variable.

# Install Jekyll and Bundler
gem install --user-install bundler jekyll

Append the Jekyll Gem your path file

First get the ruby version using:

# Get Ruby version
ruby -v

Replace X.X.0 with the version of ruby you just installed

# Add path to zshrc profile
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.gem/ruby/3.0.0/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
# Add to your .bash_profile
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.gem/ruby/3.0.0/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile

Restart your terminal

Verify that Jekyll is installed

# Verify Jekyll is installed
jekyll --version

Fork Github Repository

Now you can fork the repository from Github and start working on it.

# Navigate to your home directory, create a github folder, and fork the github repo
cd ~
mkdir github
cd github
gh repo fork bamr87/it-journey

Install Dependencies

Once the repo is installed, you can install the dependencies for the Jekyll gem.

# Navigate to your github repo and install dependencies
cd ~/github/it-journey
bundle install
bundle update

Build Jekyll site

To build the Jekyll site, you need to run the following command:

# Build Jekyll site
jekyll build

Start Site locally

To start the site locally, you need to run the following command:

# Start Jekyll site locally
jekyll serve


brew install iterm2

$ sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"


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