└─ it-journey ├─ _data │ └─ navigation-old.yml │ ├─ line 3: FIXME : NO SPACES IN THE TITLE. IT WILL BREAK THE NAVIGATION. │ ├─ line 5: FIXME : Nest yaml into succeeding hierarchies │ └─ line 55: FIXME : Tried removing single quotes ├─ _includes │ ├─ algolia.html │ │ └─ line 9: TODO : Uplift Algolia functionality │ ├─ branding.html │ │ └─ line 8: TODO : Add a poline plug-in to generate color scheme │ ├─ dev-shortcuts.html │ │ ├─ line 24: TODO : Article about the collapse feature in Bootstrap https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.3/components/collapse/ │ │ └─ line 25: TODO : Write tutorial on creating this hidden settings feature │ ├─ head.html │ │ ├─ line 80: TODO : Add tailwind │ │ └─ line 90: TODO : Replace this css with a compiled sass. currently, when docs.scss is compiled to main.css, the scroll spy doesn’t work │ ├─ js-cdn.html │ │ └─ line 23: TODO : Install local bootstrap │ ├─ seo.html │ │ └─ line 19: TODO : build author data set for SEO │ └─ sidebar-right.html │ └─ line 8: [x] TODO: Need to fix the TOC to be hidden in mobile view ├─ _sass │ └─ bootstrap.scss │ └─ line 1: TODO : Fix Bootstrap plugin ├─ pages │ ├─ _about │ │ └─ contributing.md │ │ └─ line 21: TODO : Right contribution instructions. │ ├─ _notes │ │ ├─ cheetsheets │ │ │ └─ Bash cheatsheet.md │ │ │ └─ line 10: TODO : create a cheatsheet layout based on devhints.io │ │ ├─ dev │ │ │ └─ Project List.md │ │ │ ├─ line 10: [ ] VS Code Extension │ │ │ ├─ line 11: [ ] your first extension - JE │ │ │ ├─ line 12: [ ] https://yeoman.io/learning/ │ │ │ └─ line 13: [ ] │ │ ├─ misc │ │ │ └─ 2024-05-02-home-test.md │ │ │ └─ line 8: TODO : fix the liquid raw tags after scrapping docs │ │ └─ index.md │ │ └─ line 274: TODO : find a way to include OS based instructions using liquid tags │ ├─ _posts │ │ ├─ gpt │ │ │ └─ 2024-05-14-dynamic-sidebar-tree.md │ │ │ ├─ line 22: FIXME : need code blocks to be raw liquid maybe vscode plugin? │ │ │ └─ line 23: FIXME : need code blocks to be raw liquid maybe vscode plugin? │ │ └─ 2000-01-01-index.md │ │ ├─ line 12: TODO : │ │ ├─ line 17: TODO : │ │ ├─ line 18: [ ] Write article about collaboration as a way to overcome learning challenges. We need to leverage the community for help and evolve our systems to cater to everyone’s needs. │ │ ├─ line 63: TODO : Write more articles │ │ └─ line 64: TODO : Write more articles │ └─ _quests │ ├─ init_world │ │ └─ setup.ps1 │ │ └─ line 78: TODO Fetch from Mac-setup repo instead │ └─ lvl_0010 │ └─ pg_2379.json │ └─ line 1:
├─ Gemfile │ └─ line 41: TODO : build a bootstrap plugin for jekyll ├─ README.md │ ├─ line 91: TODO : combine windows and mac commands │ └─ line 105: TODO : Check on windows docker bug “Auto-regeneration may not work on some Windows versions.” ├─ _config.yml │ ├─ line 44: TODO : Doppelganger site. Use this if you want to switch between parallel deployments │ ├─ line 420: TODO : Fix bootstrap plugin │ └─ line 430: TODO : Fix bootstrap plugin ├─ home.md │ ├─ line 10: TODO : │ ├─ line 12: TODO : Fix the copy button on code snipets │ ├─ line 13: TODO : TEst │ ├─ line 39: TODO : Need story line │ └─ line 50: TODO : Need story line ├─ index.md │ ├─ line 90: [x] Github Pages compatibility │ ├─ line 91: [x] Jekyll Admin │ ├─ line 92: [x] MathJax │ ├─ line 93: [x] Bootstrap 5 CDN │ ├─ line 94: [x] Algolia Search indexing │ ├─ line 95: [x] Jekyll Site Generation │ ├─ line 96: [x] Travic CI Build Automation │ ├─ line 97: [x] Health Status/Monitoring (Build) │ ├─ line 98: [x] Dark Mode toggle │ ├─ line 99: [x] JQuery Plugin │ ├─ line 100: [x] Auto generated right side bar TOC │ ├─ line 101: [x] Right side quick edit links to GitHub and VS Code │ ├─ line 102: [x] Left sidebar site Navigation (based on nav data file) │ ├─ line 103: [x] Code Copy button │ ├─ line 104: [x] Back to top button in mobile view w3schools │ ├─ line 105: [x] Category filter for posts │ ├─ line 106: [x] Code syntax highlighting │ ├─ line 107: [x] Programming Language cheat sheets │ ├─ line 108: [ ] data file generation program │ ├─ line 109: [ ] infinite scrolling landing page │ ├─ line 110: [ ] Landing page site intro based on features │ ├─ line 113: FIXME : │ ├─ line 115: [ ] left sidebar header color │ ├─ line 116: [ ] Adjust menu toggle in Mobile view │ ├─ line 117: [ ] fix presentation of search results │ ├─ line 118: [ ] Need to fix quick index in side bar │ ├─ line 121: TODO : │ ├─ line 123: [ ] add 3rd level nav bar drop down option │ ├─ line 124: [ ] automate pull request to publish to gh-pages │ ├─ line 125: [ ] Add create new post button │ ├─ line 126: [ ] add floating “back to top” button │ ├─ line 127: [ ] create custom svg icon │ ├─ line 128: [ ] quick view of post contents/reading time │ ├─ line 129: [ ] doc example │ ├─ line 130: [ ] Quest │ ├─ line 131: [ ] Adjust menu toggle in Mobile view │ ├─ line 132: [ ] leader board for level progression │ ├─ line 133: [ ] Add keyboard shortcuts (e.g. ctl + / to toggle search) │ ├─ line 134: [ ] Build Site map page example │ ├─ line 135: [ ] Publish training article on Programming Historian │ ├─ line 136: [ ] Add search functionality │ ├─ line 137: [ ] Add tab functionality https://idratherbewriting.com/documentation-theme-jekyll/mydoc_navtabs.html │ ├─ line 138: [ ] Add GUI instructions for the n00bs │ ├─ line 139: [ ] Add language title to code blocks │ ├─ line 140: [ ] Integrate Jupyter Notebooks into the site │ ├─ line 141: [ ] add embedded todo button for viewing │ ├─ line 142: [ ] update SEO, document setup https://jsinibardy.com/optimize-seo-jekyll │ ├─ line 143: [ ] add next/back button to turn pages │ ├─ line 144: [ ] enhance right side bar design - example │ ├─ line 145: [ ] Cross reference features to documentation │ ├─ line 146: [ ] alternate TOC structures (easy/med/hard) (pc/mac/linux) (by role) │ ├─ line 147: [ ] add a tool kit page with all software tools used │ ├─ line 148: [ ] Contribution Instructions │ ├─ line 149: [ ] add plugins without plugins │ ├─ line 150: [ ] Auto integrate/embed source code files into documentation │ ├─ line 151: [ ] UI testing automation - Selenium │ ├─ line 152: [ ] page revision view (diff) │ ├─ line 153: [ ] integrate kanban board │ ├─ line 154: [ ] build account based system │ ├─ line 155: [ ] simulate generic business operations │ ├─ line 156: [ ] build backend todo interface checking │ └─ line 157: [ ] Build note to article function/workflow └─ zer0.md └─ line 197: TODO : add favicon instructions for branding