
By bamr87

This is an overall outline of this site, and a place to start or come back to when lost.

Estimated reading time: 37 minutes

Edit on Github

Go to bookmark

What to build today?

I want to build an integration from Github to an LLM (such as Gemini) to review markdown files for grammar, spelling, completeness, etc., and then commit the changes for review.


Add a story line


This is where we begin our journey. The place where we return after getting lost or wandering off. Think of this as our home base with a collection of maps, tools, and information we need to traverse through this chaotic digital world. There are journals to capture our experiences and findings, notes to quickly reference when our memories fail, and a library of documentation that gives us the depth of knowledge to build upon and share. Everything here is open source and free to use, and the goal is to make this repository a comprehensive learning tool for everyone to use and share.


From zero to hero collection of docs, tools, scripts, walk-through, and information to help with your IT journey.

Zer0 to Her0 Quest

  1. Prologue - Init Hello World
    1. Who are you and what do you want?
    2. Are you willing to put in the time and effort to become a full-stack developer?
    3. What are your minimum requirements to start this journey?
    4. What are your goals?
    5. What are your expectations?
  2. Chapter 1 - Identity Crisis
    1. Tools of the trade
    2. Minimum requirements
      1. Quick start with github
    3. Class Selection up
    4. Character Building
  3. Chapter 2 - Training

Skill Level Route

For those who prefer the route based on difficulty:

  1. Beginner - 000
  2. Intermediate - 001
  3. Advanced - 010
  4. Expert - 011
  5. Master - 100
  6. Hero - 101
  7. Super Hero - 110
  8. God - 111

Stack Attack

For those who are intermediate/advanced and want to work on a specific stack:

  1. Front-end (HTML, CSS, JS)
  2. Back-end (Python, PHP, Ruby, Command Line)
  3. Databases (MySQL, NoSQL, PostgreSQL)
  4. Integrations (API, REST, GraphQL, SOAP)
  5. Infrastructure (AWS, Azure, GCP, Linux)
  6. Solutions (LAMP, Jamstack, MERN, WINS)

Source Wiki

Specialization route

For those who are advanced/expert and what to specialize in a field:

  1. Infrastructure (System Administration, Networking, Operating Systems)
  2. DevOps (Source Code control, CD/CI, Automated Testing, Agile Development)
  3. Web Design (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jekyll, Bootstrap)
  4. Software Engineering (Python, Ruby, Java, C#, C++)
  5. Data Science (Python, SQL, BI, Hadoop, Spark, HBase, Hive, Kafka, Cassandra)
  6. Cyber Security (Firewalls, Metadata analysis, Network Penetration, Ransomware, Vulnerability, Exploits, Malware)
  7. Multimedia/Graphic Design (GIMP, Blender, Inkscape, Krita, Pencil 2D)
  8. Mobile Development (Android, iOS, React Native)
  9. Game Development (Unity, Unreal Engine)
  10. AI (Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing)

Project Route

  1. Wikimedia Server - Downloads
  2. Personal Website
  3. Retro “Picade”
  4. Mobile App
  5. Web Scraper
  6. Documentation Site
  7. Video game

Quick Start

For those who are already familiar with core IT concepts, this is the quick start guide to get you going. There are some prerequisites listed before you can clone this repository. Each is linked to a detailed installation instruction.

Master Setup Local link Or Web link

Integrated Development Environment (Visual Studio Code) Local link Or Web link

Static Website Generator (Jekyll) Local link Or Web link

Site layout

Top Navigation Bar

<div class="bd-example-snippet bd-code-snippet">
{%- include header.html -%}

This is a fixed navigation bar that is always visible at the top of the page. It is a horizontal bar that contains links to the different sections of the site. The links are organized into three sections:

The sidebar navigation is a vertical bar that is always visible on the left side of the page. It is automatically generated based on the navigation YAML file under ../_data/navigation.yml.

Including a truncated navigation YAML file under the _data folder will automatically generate the sidebar and top navigation.

{% capture nav %}{% include_relative _data/navigation-old.yml %}{% endcapture %}{{ nav | truncate: 332 }}

Table Of Contents right sidebar

This is an automatically generated table of contents that is always visible on the right side of the page. It is generated from using a programs located under /_includes/toc.html

It is based on the heading tags in the markdown file. The table of contents is generated from the markdown file and is updated whenever the markdown file is updated.

Source Code Short Cuts

Above the right TOC, there is a short cut to the source code. This is a link to the GitHub repository. The link to the shortcut is based on the config file located under /_config.yml. This is the where you have forked this repository.

repository               : "bamr87/it-journey" # GitHub username/repo-name
local_repo               : "it-journey"
home_dir_pc              : &home-win '$HOME'
home_dir_mac             : &home-mac '$HOME'
local_git_pc             : [ *home-win, 'github\' ]
local_git_mac            : [ *home-mac, 'GitHub/' ]

NOTE: Replace $HOME with your home directory. Normally, it is the user id of the machine. Just type echo $HOME in the terminal.


Sitemap - Index

Collection Page Description Excerpt Path Last Modified Date Categories Tags Absolute URL Author
about Add Floating Back-to-Top button How to Add a floating button that will scroll to the top of a page? Steps to add a floating back-to-top button to a website. _about/features/add-floating-back-to-top-button.md 2024/05/31 How-To Bootstrap https://it-journey.dev/about/how-to/add-floating-back-to-top-button/
about Features (~) Index A list of features that are currently implemented and requested for the site. A list of features that are currently implemented and requested for the site. _about/features/index.md 2024/05/30 https://it-journey.dev/about/features/
about About This page provides information about the site, its purpose, and the principles guiding its development. This page provides information about the site, its purpose, and the principles guiding its development. _about/about.md 2024/05/31 about about, principles, open-source, collaboration, DRY, KIS, REnO, MVP https://it-journey.dev/about/
about contributing


_about/contribute/contributing.md 2024/05/20 about contributing https://it-journey.dev/about/contributing Amr
about Bamr87 IT Wizard, Software Architect, Tech Enthusiast. _about/contribute/contributors/bamr87/README.md 2024/05/25 https://it-journey.dev/contributors/bamr87/ Amr
about Jeykll


_about/features/jekyll.md 2024/05/24 https://it-journey.dev/notes/jekyll/
about Bamr87 IT Wizard, Software Architect, Tech Enthusiast. _about/profile/bamr87.md 2025/01/21 https://it-journey.dev/about/bamr87/
about Purpose

Statement of Purpose

_about/purpose.md 2024/05/11 https://it-journey.dev/about/purpose/
about Jekyll Configuration Configuration file contents and regeneration steps. _about/settings/config.md 2024/05/31 https://it-journey.dev/about/config/
about sitemaps


_about/settings/sitemap.md 2024/05/15 https://it-journey.dev/about/sitemap/
about Tree


_about/settings/tree.md 2022/01/17 https://it-journey.dev/about/tree/
about Bootstrap Theme Examples

Iframe from Bootstrap

_about/theme.md 2024/05/31 https://it-journey.dev/about/theme/
about versioning


_about/versioning.md 2022/05/21 posts article https://it-journey.dev/about/posts/versioning/
docs Cannot Start Jekyll at Specific Port

Handle error ‘Address Already in Use’ when starting Jekyll.

_docs/jekyll/cannot-start-jekyll-at-specific-port.md 2023/12/03 Jekyll, Port https://it-journey.dev/docs/cannot-start-jekyll-at-specific-port/
docs Jekyll - Liquid

Useful tricks of Liquid, which are used in Jekyll.

_docs/jekyll/jekyll-liquid.md 2024/05/16 Jekyll, Liquid https://it-journey.dev/docs/jekyll-liquid/
docs Jekyll - Usage and Customization

Customize Jekyll website.

_docs/jekyll/jekyll-usage-and-customization.md 2023/01/02 Jekyll https://it-journey.dev/docs/jekyll-usage-and-customization/
docs Jekyll - Google Analytics - Draft

Use Google Analytics to track website traffic.

_docs/jekyll/jekyll-google-analytics.md 2022/06/04 Google Analytics https://it-journey.dev/docs/jekyll-google-analytics/
docs Jekyll - Social Share Buttons

Create share buttons for the most popular social medias.

_docs/jekyll/jekyll-social-share-buttons.md 2022/06/11 Social Share https://it-journey.dev/docs/jekyll-social-share-buttons/
docs Jekyll - Social Share Buttons with ShareThis

Integrate ShareThis to Jekyll website.

_docs/jekyll/jekyll-social-share-buttons-with-sharethis.md 2022/06/11 ShareThis https://it-journey.dev/docs/jekyll-social-share-buttons-with-sharethis/
docs Continuously Deploy Jekyll to GitHub Pages with Travis-CI

Start continuous integration with Travis CI for Jekyll website.

_docs/jekyll/continuously-deploy-jekyll-website-to-gitHub-pages-with-travis-ci.md 2023/12/03 Jekyll, Github Pages, Travis CI https://it-journey.dev/docs/continuously-deploy-jekyll-website-to-github-pages-with-travis-ci/
docs Jekyll - Math Symbols with MathJax

Display mathematical notation in web pages with MathJax.

_docs/jekyll/jekyll-math-symbols-with-mathjax.md 2022/06/04 MathJax, Mathematic https://it-journey.dev/docs/jekyll-math-symbols-with-mathjax/
docs Generating Diagrams and Flowcharts with Mermaid

Generate diagrams on web page with Mermaid.

_docs/jekyll/generating-diagrams-and-flowcharts-with-mermaid.md 2023/12/03 Mermaid, Flowchart, Gantt https://it-journey.dev/docs/generating-diagrams-and-flowcharts-with-mermaid/
docs Jekyll - Search Function for Static Website - draft


_docs/jekyll/jekyll-search-function-for-static-website.md 2023/12/03 Search, Lunr.js https://it-journey.dev/docs/jekyll-search-function-for-static-website/
docs Jekyll - Pagination

Add pagination buttons for every page.

_docs/jekyll/jekyll-pagination.md 2023/12/03 Pagination https://it-journey.dev/docs/jekyll-pagination/
docs Jekyll - Progress Bar

Show progress bar when page is loading.

_docs/jekyll/jekyll-progress-bar.md 2023/12/03 Nanobar, Progress Bar https://it-journey.dev/docs/jekyll-progress-bar/
docs Jekyll - Highlighting

Highlighting with highlight.js.

_docs/jekyll/jekyll-highlighting.md 2023/01/02 Highlighting, highlight.js https://it-journey.dev/docs/jekyll-highlighting/
docs Deploying Personal Website with Custom Domain

Setup personal website with Github page and custom domain.

_docs/jekyll/deploying-personal-website-with-custom-domain.md 2023/12/03 Custom Domain https://it-journey.dev/docs/deploying-personal-website-with-custom-domain/
docs Deploying Jekyll Website to Netlify

Deploy static website built with Jekyll to Netlify.

_docs/jekyll/deploying-jekyll-website-to-netlify.md 2023/12/03 Jekyll, Netlify https://it-journey.dev/docs/deploying-jekyll-website-to-netlify/
docs Jekyll - Performance Optimization


_docs/jekyll/jekyll-performance-optimization.md 2022/06/04 Performance https://it-journey.dev/docs/jekyll-performance-optimization/
docs Jekyll - Security

Scan website security vulnerabilities and fix them.

_docs/jekyll/jekyll-security.md 2024/05/15 Security https://it-journey.dev/docs/jekyll-security/
docs Docs (~) Index Index of all doc pages and instructions on how to add new doc sections

You have reached the documentation (library) section of this site, which will contain detailed information of various components of this site (e.g., jekyll, bootstrap, etc.). The ultimate goal is to house a documentation site that operates very similar to Microsoft’s doc site here.

_docs/index.md 2024/05/21 https://it-journey.dev/docs/ Amr Abdel Eissa
docs Jekyll

Jekyll is a static site generator. It takes text written in your favorite markup language and uses layouts to create a static website. You can tweak the site’s look and feel, URLs, the data displayed on the page, and more.

_docs/jekyll/index.md 2021/12/06 https://it-journey.dev/docs/jekyll/
docs Jekyll - Comments with Disqus

Use Disqus to enable reader to comment on Jekyll site.

_docs/jekyll/jekyll-comments-with-disqus.md 2024/05/15 Disqus, jekyll, comments https://it-journey.dev/docs/jekyll-comments-with-disqus/
docs Configuration Options | Jekyll • Simple, blog-aware, static sites The tables below list the available settings for Jekyll, and the various options (specified in the configuration file) and flags (specified on the command-line) that control them.

Improve this page

_docs/jekyll/jekyll-config.md 2024/05/02 https://it-journey.dev/docs/jekyll-config/
docs Jekyll Frontmatter CMS

This is a new article on how to use Jekyll and Frontmatter to build a CMS.

_docs/jekyll/jekyll-frontmatter-cms.md 2024/05/16 https://it-journey.dev/docs/jekyll-frontmatter-cms/
docs Jekyll - Diagram with Mermaid

Use Mermaid in Markdown to draw diagrams.

_docs/jekyll/jekyll-diagram-with-mermaid.md 2023/11/28 Mermaid, Diagram https://it-journey.dev/docs/jekyll-diagram-with-mermaid/
hobbies hobbies


_hobbies/home.md 2022/06/04 https://it-journey.dev/hobbies/
hobbies Music

Libraries are a great place to find free sheet music, especially large city libraries and university libraries. For example, the Boston Public Library houses one of the finest music libraries in the world, with over 150,000 volumes. If sheet music is in the public domain and in good condition, photocopying is allowed. So … check your local library.

_hobbies/music.md 2022/01/09 hobbies https://it-journey.dev/hobbies/hobbies/music/
notebooks Chat GPT Text Generation This notebook demonstrates how to use the Chat GPT model for text generation.


_notebooks/JeykLLM-create.md null NLP, GPT, Text Generation https://it-journey.dev/notebooks/JeykLLM-create/jeykllm-create/
notebooks HTML to markdown web scraping A simple web scraping project to convert HTML to markdown using Python
# install prerequisites
%pip install markdownify
%pip install requests
%pip install pandas
_notebooks/html_md_doc_scrapper.md null python, web scraping, html, markdown https://it-journey.dev/notebooks/html_md_doc_scrapper/html-md-doc-scrapper/
notebooks Jupyter Notebook to Markdown Converter Convert Jupyter Notebooks to Markdown



_notebooks/jupyter-to-markdown.md null jupyter, markdown, converter, jekyll https://it-journey.dev/notebooks/jupyter-to-markdown/jupyter-to-markdown/ Amr Abdel-Motaleb
notebooks Jupyter This is the Jupyter Notebook page

here are some notes on Jupyter

_notebooks/jupyter.md null https://it-journey.dev/notes/jupyter/
notes Mastering iTerm Shortcuts for Efficiency Enhance your productivity with iTerm shortcuts for deleting and navigating words efficiently on macOS.

How to Customize iTerm2 for Efficiency: Keybindings to Delete Words and Navigate Text

_notes/2025-01-16-mastering-iterm-shortcuts-for-efficiency.md 2025/01/17 guides, it-journey, notes, programming, shortcuts iTerm, macOS, productivity, shortcuts, terminal https://it-journey.dev/notes/2025-01-16-mastering-iterm-shortcuts-for-efficiency/2025-01-16-mastering-iterm-shortcuts-for-efficiency/
notes iTerm Tips and Tricks Unlock your productivity with essential iTerm2 tips for customizing keybindings and navigating text efficiently in the terminal.

How to Customize iTerm2 for Efficiency: Keybindings to Delete Words and Navigate Text

_notes/2025-01-16-iterm-tips-and-tricks.md 2025/01/17 guides, iTerm2, productivity tips, shortcuts, terminal customization customization, iTerm2, macOS, productivity, terminal https://it-journey.dev/notes/2025-01-16-iterm-tips-and-tricks/2025-01-16-iterm-tips-and-tricks/ Amr
notes Sass mixins Learn how to use SASS mixins for modular CSS in Bootstrap 5, enhancing your front-end development with reusable styles.

SASS mixins are powerful tools that allow you to reuse blocks of styling across your CSS, making your front-end code more modular and maintainable. In the context of Bootstrap 5, mixins are extensively used to manage responsive design, typography, spacing, and other styling features.

_notes/2025-01-23-sass-mixins.md 2025/01/23 bootstrap, Development, guides, Programming, web-development Bootstrap, CSS, front-end development, mixins, SASS https://it-journey.dev/notes/2025-01-23-sass-mixins/2025-01-23-sass-mixins/
notes Using Jekyll, Lambda, and SES for Efficient Web Solutions

Below is a detailed walkthrough on how to create a serverless “Contact Us” form using AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and Amazon SES. This lets you keep your site static (e.g., generated via Jekyll), and offload email handling to AWS.

_notes/2025-01-24-using-jekyll-lambda-and-ses-for-efficient-web-solutions.md 2025/01/25 https://it-journey.dev/notes/2025-01-24-using-jekyll-lambda-and-ses-for-efficient-web-solutions/2025-01-24-using-jekyll-lambda-and-ses-for-efficient-web-solutions/
notes Set Up Azure for Jekyll Contact Us Form Learn how to easily set up Azure for your Jekyll Contact Us form and enhance user engagement on your website.

Below is a step-by-step guide on how to build a serverless “Contact Us” form using Azure Functions and a Microsoft Exchange server (on-premises or Exchange Online) to send emails. This approach keeps your Jekyll site static and offloads the email-sending logic to Azure. We’ll focus on a cost-effective setup, leveraging Azure’s consumption-based pricing for Functions.

_notes/2025-01-24-set-up-azure-for-jekyll-contact-us-form.md 2025/01/25 Development, Guides, Jekyll, Programming, Web Development Azure, Contact Form, GitHub Pages, Jekyll, Tutorial https://it-journey.dev/notes/2025-01-24-set-up-azure-for-jekyll-contact-us-form/2025-01-24-set-up-azure-for-jekyll-contact-us-form/
notes Host Django on Raspberry Pi: A Complete Guide

Below is a detailed, step-by-step guide to hosting your Django project on a Raspberry Pi behind Cloudflare Tunnel. The end result will be a secure HTTPS connection to your Raspberry Pi’s Django application using your own domain name, without having to open ports on your home router.

_notes/2025-02-05-host-django-on-raspberry-pi-a-complete-guide.md 2025/02/05 https://it-journey.dev/notes/2025-02-05-host-django-on-raspberry-pi-a-complete-guide/2025-02-05-host-django-on-raspberry-pi-a-complete-guide/
notes GPT App Build


_notes/Journal Entries/GPT App Build.md null quest, tutorial https://it-journey.dev/notes/Journal%20Entries/GPT%20App%20Build/gpt-app-build/
notes Github's hidden gem

title: “github’s hidden gem” description: GPT Promt:

_notes/Journal Entries/Github_s hidden gem.md null https://it-journey.dev/notes/Journal%20Entries/Github_s%20hidden%20gem/github-s-hidden-gem/
notes What is my PiDentity?

What is my PiDentity? 3.14[id] userName: email: github: X: phone:

_notes/Journal Entries/What is my PiDentity_.md null https://it-journey.dev/notes/Journal%20Entries/What%20is%20my%20PiDentity_/what-is-my-pidentity/
notes Windows Powershell Cheatsheet

Windows PowerShell is the successor of the windows cmd language, which itself has its roots in the ms-dos Bat language. All recent versions of Windows offer PowerShell (PS). PS may be seen as Microsoft’s answer to the shells common in Unix/Linux (such as csh, bash, etc.). Its name implies that Microsoft sees the shell as powerful, which it arguably is. In these notes some important PS commands are listed and PowerShell’s most notable feature, the object pipeline, is discussed. From the outset it is important to note that, in contrast to Linux/Unix, Windows PowerShell is completely case-insensitive. The monospace text snippets below are valid PS and may be copied, pasted, and executed in a PowerShell- or a PowerShell_ISE-session. This is why the notes form a “Cheatsheet”. As is common for cheatsheets, there is hardly any explanation, the examples speak for themselves. It must be stressed here that many of the basic PS commands are not at all orthogonal, so that many variant pipelines can lead to the same effect. Often an example is one out of a multitude of possibilities accomplishing the same task.

_notes/cheetsheets/2022-10-07-powershell.md 2022/01/10 notes, cheetsheet note, powershell https://it-journey.dev/notes/cheetsheets/2022-10-07-powershell/2022-10-07-powershell/ bamr87
notes Bash cheatsheet

Getting started

_notes/cheetsheets/Bash cheatsheet.md 2024/05/14 bash, linux, script, shell https://it-journey.dev/notes/cheetsheets/Bash%20cheatsheet/bash-cheatsheet/
notes Shell and the CLI

Command Line

_notes/cheetsheets/Shell and the CLI.md 2024/05/17 https://it-journey.dev/notes/cheetsheets/Shell%20and%20the%20CLI/shell-and-the-cli/
notes Windows Powershell Cheatsheet

Windows PowerShell is the successor of the windows cmd language, which itself has its roots in the ms-dos Bat language. All recent versions of Windows offer PowerShell (PS). PS may be seen as Microsoft’s answer to the shells common in Unix/Linux (such as csh, bash, etc.). Its name implies that Microsoft sees the shell as powerful, which it arguably is. In these notes some important PS commands are listed and PowerShell’s most notable feature, the object pipeline, is discussed. From the outset it is important to note that, in contrast to Linux/Unix, Windows PowerShell is completely case-insensitive. The monospace text snippets below are valid PS and may be copied, pasted, and executed in a PowerShell- or a PowerShell_ISE-session. This is why the notes form a “Cheatsheet”. As is common for cheatsheets, there is hardly any explanation, the examples speak for themselves. It must be stressed here that many of the basic PS commands are not at all orthogonal, so that many variant pipelines can lead to the same effect. Often an example is one out of a multitude of possibilities accomplishing the same task.

_notes/cheetsheets/Windows Powershell Cheatsheet.md null note, powershell https://it-journey.dev/notes/cheetsheets/Windows%20Powershell%20Cheatsheet/windows-powershell-cheatsheet/ bamr87
notes Bash cheatsheet BASH cheatsheet


_notes/cheetsheets/bash.md 2022/08/07 shell, script, linux, bash https://it-journey.dev/notes/cheetsheets/bash/bash/
notes Shell and the CLI Command Line Interface Notes

Command Line

_notes/cheetsheets/command-line.md 2022/01/05 https://it-journey.dev/notes/shell
notes Mac keyboard shortcuts

By pressing certain key combinations, you can do things that normally need a mouse, trackpad, or other input device.

_notes/cheetsheets/mac-shortcuts.md 2024/04/29 notes, shortcuts notes, mac https://it-journey.dev/notes/cheetsheets/mac-shortcuts/mac-shortcuts/ Apple
notes Markdown

Basic Syntax

Jekyll Markdown Quick Reference

_notes/cheetsheets/markdown.md 2021/12/27 Posts https://it-journey.dev/notes/cheetsheets/markdown/markdown/
notes Programming Collection of programming languages notes


_notes/cheetsheets/programming.md 2022/01/02 https://it-journey.dev/notes/cheetsheets/programming/programming/
notes test _notes/code-snippets/test.md null https://it-journey.dev/notes/code-snippets/test/test/
notes side-bar-folders

All Notes Section

_notes/dev/2024-05-14-side-bar-folders.md 2024/05/16 sidebar https://it-journey.dev/notes/dev/2024-05-14-side-bar-folders/2024-05-14-side-bar-folders/
notes Curiculum

You don’t know what you can’t teach.

_notes/dev/Curiculum.md null https://it-journey.dev/notes/dev/Curiculum/curiculum/
notes Take good notes

Notes are thoughts to be materialized

_notes/dev/Take good notes.md null https://it-journey.dev/notes/dev/Take%20good%20notes/take-good-notes/
notes Master's Project


  • General
  • Localized
  • Classes
  • Stack Score
  • Feature Score
  • Footprint
  • Karma Credit
  • Stack
_notes/dev/projects/Master_s Project.md null https://it-journey.dev/notes/dev/projects/Master_s%20Project/master-s-project/
notes People


_notes/dev/projects/People.md null https://it-journey.dev/notes/dev/projects/People/people/
notes Production


Projects must be well documented and designged with self preservation in mind.

_notes/dev/projects/Production.md null https://it-journey.dev/notes/dev/projects/Production/production/
notes Project List
  • VS Code Extension
    • your first extension - JE
    • https://yeoman.io/learning/
  • [ ]
_notes/dev/projects/Project List.md null https://it-journey.dev/notes/dev/projects/Project%20List/project-list/
notes HTML to markdown web scraping A simple web scraping project to convert HTML to markdown using Python
%pip install markdownify
_notes/html_md_doc_scrapper.md null python, web scraping, html, markdown https://it-journey.dev/notes/html_md_doc_scrapper/html-md-doc-scrapper/
notes Notes (~) Index Notes Index

Randmon Notes

_notes/index.md 2024/05/24 https://it-journey.dev/notes/
notes Jekyll LLM Integration Ideas

Let’s dive deeper into how you might implement some of these ideas:

_notes/jekyllm-integration.md 2024/06/01 https://it-journey.dev/notes/jekyllm-integration/jekyllm-integration/ bamr87
notes AWS Practice Question Set

AWS vs Azure vs GCP

_notes/misc/AWS Practice Question Set.md null notes https://it-journey.dev/notes/misc/AWS%20Practice%20Question%20Set/aws-practice-question-set/
notes Favicons


_notes/misc/Favicons.md null notes https://it-journey.dev/notes/misc/Favicons/favicons/
notes AWS Practice Question Set

AWS vs Azure vs GCP

_notes/misc/cloud.md 2022/01/12 notes notes https://it-journey.dev/notes/misc/cloud/cloud/
notes Start


_notes/zero/Start.md null test https://it-journey.dev/notes/zero/Start/start/
posts Journey (~) Index


_posts/2000-01-01-index.md 2024/06/06 https://it-journey.dev/posts/ Amr
posts Auto Hide Navbar How to update the navbar HTML file to automatically hide while scrolling down and reappear when scrolling up. To achieve this, you will need to use JavaScript along with CSS. Here's a step-by-step plan: _posts/2024-03-06-auto-hide-nav-bar.md 2024/03/06 feature https://it-journey.dev/posts/2019/08/22/auto-hide-navbar/ Github Copilot
posts Dockering Your IT Journey How to use Docker to run Jekyll with Ruby 2.7 If you must use Ruby 2.7, you can specify the versions of Jekyll and Bundler that are compatible with Ruby 2.7 in your Dockerfile. _posts/2024-04-02-dockering-your-it-journey.md 2024/04/02 Development Docker, Jekyll, Ruby https://it-journey.dev/posts/2019/08/22/dockering-your-it-journey/ Amr and Co-pilot
posts SEC's Edgar Database The SEC's Edgar database provides insights into the financial health and operational performance of publicly-traded companies in the U.S.

Exploring the Edgar Database: Types of Data and Their Importance

_posts/2024-04-13-sec's-edgar-database.md 2024/04/16 https://it-journey.dev/posts/2019/08/22/sec-s-edgar-database/ Amr and ChatGPT
posts How to build a Django Application on AWS Lambda Learn how to build a Django application on AWS Lambda, including database integration, networking, and security considerations.

Integrating a database with a serverless Django application deployed on AWS Lambda requires careful consideration due to the stateless and ephemeral nature of Lambda functions. Here’s an expanded guide on setting up and managing the database in this architecture.

_posts/2024-10-07-django-on-aws-lambda.md 2024/10/07 https://it-journey.dev/posts/2019/08/22/django-on-aws-lambda/ Amr
posts AWS Database Setup for Django Lambda Functions


_posts/2024-10-14-aws-database-setup-for-django-lambda-functions.md 2024/10/14 https://it-journey.dev/posts/2019/08/22/aws-database-setup-for-django-lambda-functions/
posts Deploy Django on AWS Lambda with SAM: A Step-by-Step Guide Learn how to deploy a serverless Django application on AWS Lambda using the Serverless Application Model (SAM).

How AWS SAM Fits into the Architecture

_posts/2024-10-14-deploy-django-on-aws-lambda-with-sam-a-stepby-step-guide.md 2024/10/14 Serverless, Django, AWS AWS, Django, Serverless, Lambda, SAM https://it-journey.dev/posts/2019/08/22/deploy-django-on-aws-lambda-with-sam-a-stepby-step-guide/
posts Build-Destroy-Repeat

The key to progressing your skills in programming, or anything IT related, is to always repeat your creations. this allows you to refine your method, but also reinforce your understanding/memory of the system/dependencies you require.

_posts/reflections/2021-10-27-build-die-repeat.md 2024/05/20 Posts https://it-journey.dev/posts/2021/10/27/build-die-repeat/
posts IT Purpose


_posts/reflections/2021-11-08-it-purpose.md 2024/05/20 Posts https://it-journey.dev/posts/2021/11/08/it-purpose/
posts Jekyll and Travis Deploying Jekyll using Travis CI and Github _posts/2022-01-07-jekyll-and-travis.md 2022/01/13 posts, guides jekyll, travis, ci https://it-journey.dev/posts/2022/01/07/jekyll-and-travis/
posts Fish Flavored Egg plant


_posts/recipies/2022-01-07-fish-flavored-egg-plant.md 2022/08/08 Posts https://it-journey.dev/posts/2022/01/07/fish-flavored-egg-plant/
posts Sonic Pi

Install Sonic PI

_posts/2022-01-09-sonic-pi.md 2022/01/18 posts https://it-journey.dev/posts/2022/01/09/sonic-pi/
posts dual boot win linux

VS Code install

_posts/2022-02-27-dual-boot-win-linux.md 2022/03/07 posts article https://it-journey.dev/posts/2022/02/27/dual-boot-win-linux/
posts test _posts/2022-05-09-javascript-testing.md 2024/05/20 Posts https://it-journey.dev/posts/2022/05/09/javascript-testing/
posts Desktop Widgets - Windows

Install rainmeter

_posts/2022-06-10-desktop-widgets-windows.md 2022/06/10 posts article https://it-journey.dev/posts/2022/06/10/desktop-widgets-windows/
posts Angular Tour of Heros


_posts/2022-07-01-angular-tour-of-heros.md 2024/05/20 posts article https://it-journey.dev/posts/2022/07/01/angular-tour-of-heros/
posts sharex

After enabling

_posts/2022-12-05-sharex.md 2024/05/15 posts article, sharex https://it-journey.dev/posts/2022/12/05/sharex/ Amr
posts penrose triangle

Symbol of impossibility Wiki

_posts/2023-03-17-penrose-triangle.md 2024/05/20 https://it-journey.dev/posts/2023/03/17/penrose-triangle/
posts Krita Tips and Tricks

Krita Settings - Pen Pressure

_posts/2023-04-07-krita-tips-and-tricks.md 2024/05/20 posts article https://it-journey.dev/posts/2023/04/07/krita-tips-and-tricks/
posts Windows Sub-linux Setup

If wsl is installed

_posts/2023-04-14-windows-sub-linux-setu.md 2022/05/21 posts article https://it-journey.dev/posts/2023/04/14/windows-sub-linux-setu/
posts Arab americans

Here’s an old ariticle about arab americans published soon after 9/11 (December 2001):

_posts/reports/2023-04-20-arab americans.md 2021/12/29 https://it-journey.dev/posts/2023/04/20/arab-americans/
posts LaTex your CV

Installing LaTeX on a Mac, integrating it with Visual Studio Code, and using GitHub for source control involves several steps. Below is a comprehensive manual detailing each step in the process.

_posts/2023-11-04-latex-your-cv.md 2024/05/20 https://it-journey.dev/posts/2023/11/04/latex-your-cv/
posts robots dot txt

A robots.txt file is used to instruct web robots (typically search engine robots) which pages on your website to crawl and which not to. Here’s an example of a robots.txt file that you might use for a Jekyll site:

_posts/2023-12-04-robots-dot-txt.md 2024/05/16 https://it-journey.dev/posts/2023/12/04/robots-dot-txt/
posts RetroPie Imaging

To write a RetroPie .img.gz image to a microSD card using the dd command in Linux, you need to follow a series of steps. The dd command is a powerful utility for copying and converting files, and when used with care, it can be very effective for tasks like writing disk images to removable storage devices.

_posts/2024-02-10-retropie-imaging.md 2024/05/20 https://it-journey.dev/posts/2024/02/10/retropie-imaging/
posts Building a VS Code Extension A step-by-step guide to building a VS Code extension to save/publish/export Copilot conversations as markdown files. A step-by-step guide to building a VS Code extension to save/publish/export Copilot conversations as markdown files. _posts/gpt/2024-02-14-vscode_extension.md 2024/02/25 Programming VS Code, Extension, GitHub Copilot, Markdown https://it-journey.dev/posts/2024/02/14/building-code-extension/
posts Raspberry Pi


_posts/2024-03-10-raspberry-pi-5-case-build.md 2024/05/13 notes raspberrypi https://it-journey.dev/posts/2024/03/10/raspberry-pi-5-case-build/
posts GPT - CV Analysis An analysis of a CV and recommendations for career paths and growth. An analysis of a CV and recommendations for career paths and growth. _posts/gpt/2024-03-11-cv-analysis.md 2024/05/28 Finance IT Consulting, Enterprise Systems, ERP Systems, Data Analytics, Project Management, CV, GPT-4 https://it-journey.dev/posts/2024/03/11/cv-analysis/ ChatGPT
posts Bootable mac os

Create a bootable installer for macOS

_posts/2024-03-27-bootable-mac-os.md 2024/03/28 https://it-journey.dev/posts/2024/03/27/bootable-mac-os/
posts placeholders


_posts/2024-04-25-placeholders.md 2024/05/16 https://it-journey.dev/posts/2024/04/25/placeholders/ 2024-04-25 16:19:09 +0000
posts doc scraper _posts/2024-05-01-doc-scraper.md null https://it-journey.dev/posts/2024/05/01/doc-scraper/
posts Bootstrap your theme and character _posts/2024-05-09-bootstrap-your-theme-and-character.md 2024/05/16 https://it-journey.dev/posts/2024/05/09/bootstrap-your-theme-and-character/
posts fight with tools

Fight with Tools

_posts/2024-05-16-fight-with-tools.md 2024/06/02 https://it-journey.dev/posts/2024/05/16/fight-with-tools/ bamr87
posts Rise of the Matriarchs: Capitalism and Religion Face the Femme Fatale


_posts/2024-05-22-Threat-of-women.md 2024/05/22 parody https://it-journey.dev/posts/2024/05/22/threat-of-women/
posts Searchbar and sitemaping Chat with GitHub Copilot to add a search bar and sitemap to your Jekyll site _posts/2024-05-23-searchbar-and-sitemaping.md 2024/05/24 https://it-journey.dev/posts/2024/05/24/searchbar-and-sitemaping/ bamr87
posts Chat GPT vs The Impossible Triangle Practical and impractical uses of Chat GPT in programming and graphic design through demonstration of its limitation to comprehend impossible 3D spaces.

What is a Generative Pre-trained Transformer?

_posts/2023-03-26-chat-gpt-vs-the-impossible-triangle.md 2024/05/28 posts article https://it-journey.dev/posts/2024/05/28/chat-gpt-vs-the-impossible-triangle/ Amr Abdel-Motaleb
posts Auto Increment Frontmatter Version How to automatically increment the version number in the frontmatter of a markdown file after every commit.

bamr87: how can i automatically increment this version frontmatter after every commit? in other words, whenever i commit changes, i want the version number to be the next increment from the last commit of this file

_posts/2024-05-28-auto-increment-frontmatter-version.md 2024/05/28 git https://it-journey.dev/posts/2024/05/28/auto-increment-frontmatter-version/ bamr87
posts Latest Trends in Manufacturing Technology _posts/2024-06-01-latest-trends-in-manufacturing-technology.md 2024/06/02 blog https://it-journey.dev/posts/2024/06/01/latest-trends-in-manufacturing-technology/
posts Markdown Code to Scripts

bamr87: how would i convert a markdown file into a bash script? essentially, i just want all the text outside of the “```shell” code blocks to be commented out in the shell script.

_posts/2024-06-02-markdown-code-to-scripts.md 2024/06/02 https://it-journey.dev/posts/2024/06/02/markdown-code-to-scripts/ bamr87
posts Unwavering Joy of Fetch

Fido was a lively and energetic dog who lived in a cozy little house on the outskirts of the town. He was a handsome golden retriever with a shiny coat and a wagging tail that never seemed to stop. Fido’s favorite pastime was playing fetch in the park with his owner, Sarah.

_posts/2024-06-16-unwavering-joy-of-fetch.md null gpt https://it-journey.dev/posts/2024/06/16/unwavering-joy-of-fetch/
posts Enchanted Baking: Unicorn Delights

Episode 1: Rainbow Cupcake Extravaganza

_posts/2024-06-16-enchanted-baking-unicorn-delights.md 2024/06/18 gpt https://it-journey.dev/posts/2024/06/16/enchanted-baking-unicorn-delights/
posts Wizard Topples Capitalist Dominance Ingeniously

In a stunning turn of events, the world was saved from the clutches of capitalism by a wizard who used non-arcane magic to eliminate the evils of the system while still maintaining shareholder value. The wizard, known only as Merlin Financialis, has been hailed as a hero for his groundbreaking efforts to expose the financial puppeteering that has plagued humanity for generations.

_posts/2024-06-17-wizard-topples-capitalist-dominance-ingeniously.md 2024/06/30 gpt, breaking https://it-journey.dev/posts/2024/06/17/wizard-topples-capitalist-dominance-ingeniously/
posts AquaAid's Devastating Desert Mission

In a classic case of good intentions gone awry, the company “AquaAid” embarked on a mission to help impoverished desert countries irrigate their arid lands and transform them into fertile wheat fields. With grand promises of ending hunger and poverty, AquaAid brought in state-of-the-art irrigation equipment and set to work in the vast desert landscapes.

_posts/2024-06-18-aquaaid's-devastating-desert-mission.md null gpt https://it-journey.dev/posts/2024/06/18/aquaaid-s-devastating-desert-mission/
posts Furry Monarchs Rule Night

I am a creature beloved by many, Some say I’m cute, some say I’m smelly. With a wag of my tail and a purr of delight, I rule over humans day and night.

_posts/2024-06-24-furry-monarchs-rule-night.md 2024/06/24 gpt https://it-journey.dev/posts/2024/06/24/furry-monarchs-rule-night/
posts Defiance's Role in Democracy

The Spirit of Defiance: A Pillar of Healthy Democracies

_posts/2024-06-26-defiances-role-in-democracy.md 2024/06/30 gpt https://it-journey.dev/posts/2024/06/26/defiances-role-in-democracy/
posts Sandle Tuesday

In a quiet little village in the heart of Egypt, where the Nile whispered secrets to anyone who would listen and pyramids stood as dusty sentinels of long-forgotten kings, there lived a boy named Tarek. Tarek was like any other twelve-year-old kid—mischievous, bright-eyed, and relentlessly optimistic. But beneath his mop of unruly hair and cheeky grin, Tarek harbored the heart of a revolutionary.

_posts/2024-06-27-sandle-tuesday.md 2024/06/30 https://it-journey.dev/posts/2024/06/27/sandle-tuesday/ bamr87
posts GPT Prompt Engineering

System Instructions for GPT-4o

_posts/2024-06-27-gpt-prompt-engineering.md 2024/06/30 https://it-journey.dev/posts/2024/06/27/gpt-prompt-engineering/ bamr87
posts Texan Cowboys Learn History: Pyramid Scheme Revealed

Dallas Family Ousted by Drunken Cowboys Seeking Revenge for Ancient Pyramid Schemes

_posts/2024-07-18-texan-cowboys-learn-history-pyramid-scheme-revealed.md 2024/07/18 https://it-journey.dev/posts/2024/07/18/texan-cowboys-learn-history-pyramid-scheme-revealed/ bamr87
posts cats and dogs _posts/2024-12-31-cats-and-dogs.md null https://it-journey.dev/posts/2024/12/31/cats-and-dogs/ bamr87
quests Quests (~) Index This is an index of quests that are written, or being written.


Initialize your IT world

_quests/README.md 2024/05/18 https://it-journey.dev/quests/
quests Glossary


_quests/codex/glossary.md 2023/11/25 notes notes https://it-journey.dev/notes/glossary
quests World Map


_quests/codex/world_map.md 2024/05/28 https://it-journey.dev/world-map
quests Dockering Jekyll with Bootstrap 5 Embark on a quest to build a Jekyll site using Bootstrap 5 for CSS and JavaScript in the Frontend Forests. This guide will navigate you through the enchanted woods, ensuring you leverage the magical powers of Jekyll and Bootstrap to create an enchanting website. Embark on a quest to build a Jekyll site using Bootstrap 5 for CSS and JavaScript in the Frontend Forests. This guide will navigate you through the enchanted woods, ensuring you leverage the magical powers of Jekyll and Bootstrap to create an enchanting website. _quests/frontend/frontend-docker.md 2024/05/28 https://it-journey.dev/quests/frontend-docker/ GPT and bamr87
quests Overworld



_quests/home.md 2024/05/28 home https://it-journey.dev/quests/home/ Amr
quests Begin your IT Journey

Ah, embarking on your IT adventure, are we? Fantastic! To become an IT wizard, you’ll need to gather your tools and learn the incantations (or, in our world, the technologies and languages). Here’s your starter map:

_quests/init_world/2023-11-23-begin-your-it-journey.md 2023/11/25 https://it-journey.dev/journey
quests IT Fundamentals

Absolutely! Hands-on exercises are like spells and incantations – they’re best learned by doing. Let’s start with some foundational IT skills and practical exercises to get you going:

_quests/init_world/2023-11-23-it-fundamentals.md 2023/12/03 https://it-journey.dev/fundamentals
quests Character Building

A wise approach indeed! Building your character in the IT realm means equipping yourself with the right tools and environment. Let’s shape your initial loadout:

_quests/init_world/2023-11-23-character-building.md 2023/12/03 https://it-journey.dev/character-building
quests OS Selection

Choosing the right operating system (OS) is like selecting the right wand in the wizarding world – it’s a very personal choice and can greatly influence your journey ahead. Let’s delve into the key aspects of the major operating systems to help you make an informed decision:

_quests/init_world/2023-11-24-os-selection.md 2023/11/24 https://it-journey.dev/os-selection
quests Character Selection

In the grand adventure of IT and technology, you can choose from a variety of “characters” or roles, each with its unique skills and abilities. Think of these roles as the different classes in a role-playing game, like wizards, warriors, or archers, but in the tech world. Let’s explore some of these exciting roles:

_quests/init_world/2023-11-24-character-selection.md 2023/11/25 https://it-journey.dev/character-selection
quests Frontend Forests Levels This guide will navigate you through the enchanted woods, ensuring you leverage the magical powers of Jekyll and Bootstrap to create an enchanting website. Embark on a quest to build a Jekyll site using Bootstrap 5 for CSS and JavaScript in the Frontend Forests _quests/frontend/frontend-levels.md 2024/05/28 https://it-journey.dev/frontend-forests-levels GPT and bamr87
quests Frontend Forests: Building a Jekyll Site with Bootstrap Embark on a quest to build a Jekyll site using Bootstrap for CSS and JavaScript in the Frontend Forests. This guide will navigate you through the enchanted woods, ensuring you leverage the magical powers of Jekyll and Bootstrap to create an enchanting website. Embark on a quest to build a Jekyll site using Bootstrap 5 for CSS and JavaScript in the Frontend Forests _quests/frontend/frontend.md 2024/05/28 https://it-journey.dev/quests/frontend/ GPT and bamr87
quests Frontend Docker - level 000 Verify Docker installation on macOS for building Jekyll sites with Bootstrap 5 in the Frontend Forests.


_quests/frontend/lvl-000-frontend-docker.md 2024/05/28 level-000, frontend, docker, macos, jekyll, bootstrap https://it-journey.dev/lvl-000-frontend-docker GPT and bamr87
quests level-001-frontend-docker

You’ve successfully set up your Docker environment, and now you’re ready to delve deeper into the mystical realms of Level 001. This level involves creating your Jekyll site with the power of Docker, setting the stage for our enchanted journey ahead.

_quests/frontend/lvl-001-frontend-docker.md 2024/05/28 https://it-journey.dev/lvl-001-frontend-docker bamr87
quests level-010-frontend-docker

Awesome! You’ve laid a strong foundation by setting up Docker and creating your Jekyll site. Now, let’s journey further into Level 010, where we will add Bootstrap 5 to enhance the visual appeal and functionality of your site.

_quests/frontend/lvl-010-frontend-docker.md 2024/05/28 https://it-journey.dev/lvl-010-frontend-docker bamr87
quests hello-n00b

Do you have a github account?

_quests/init_world/hello-noob.md 2022/05/24 quest, n00b article https://it-journey.dev/quest/n00b/hello-noob
quests Hello Win


_quests/init_world/hello-win/hello-win.md 2023/12/03 https://it-journey.dev/init-world/hello-win/
quests Tools _quests/init_world/tools/tools.md null https://it-journey.dev/tools
quests Personal Site

Services/tools used for building personal site.

_quests/lvl_001/personal-site.md 2023/12/03 Personal Site https://it-journey.dev/personal-site
quests bashrun and Beyond: Building an Advanced Terminal Game Starting with bashrun as a base and building upon it is a great way to create an advanced terminal-based game. bashrun is typically built using shell scripts, which can be a bit limiting but also provides a good foundation for learning and expanding. Starting with bashrun as a base and building upon it is a great way to create an advanced terminal-based game. bashrun is typically built using shell scripts, which can be a bit limiting but also provides a good foundation for learning and expanding. _quests/lvl_000/2024-05-28-bash-run.md 2024/05/29 bashrun, quests, lvl_000 bash, terminal, game-development, shell-scripting https://it-journey.dev/quests/lvl_000/bash-run/
quickstart Github Setup

Base setup

_quickstart/github-setup.md 2024/05/20 https://it-journey.dev/quickstart/github-setup/
quickstart Quick Start (~) Index

Here’s an index of all the quickstart documents in the collection.

_quickstart/index.md 2024/06/06 https://it-journey.dev/quickstart/
quickstart Jekyll Setup

Jekyll is a static site generator. It takes text written in your favorite markup language and uses layouts to create a static website. You can tweak the site’s look and feel, URLs, the data displayed on the page, and more.

_quickstart/jekyll-setup.md 2023/11/20 quickstart https://it-journey.dev/quickstart/quickstart/jekyll-setup/
quickstart Machine Setup A guide to setting up your machine for Jekyll development. A guide to setting up your machine for Jekyll development. _quickstart/machine-setup.md 2025/02/06 https://it-journey.dev/quickstart/machine-setup/ bamr87