Features (~) Index

By Amr

A list of features that are currently implemented and requested for the site.

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

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Table of Contents

Current Features

Feature Implemented Issue # Quest
Github Pages compatibility True test test
giscus.app/ True    
Jekyll Admin True    
MathJax True    
Bootstrap 5 CDN True    
Algolia Search indexing True    
Jekyll Site Generation True    
Travis CI Build Automation True    
Health Status/Monitoring (Build) True    
Dark Mode toggle True    
JQuery Plugin True    
Auto generated right side bar TOC True    
Right side quick edit links to GitHub and VS Code True    
Left sidebar site Navigation (based on nav data file) True    
Code Copy button True    
Back to top button in mobile view True    
Category filter for posts True    
Code syntax highlighting True    
Programming Language cheat sheets True    
data file generation program False    
infinite scrolling landing page False    
Landing page site intro based on features False    

Requested features

Title Issue #
Add create new post/feature button 56
Feature Request - FR000001 - FR53 53
Feature Request - export to csv - FR75 75
Feature Request - Test feature request feature - FR76 76
Feature Request - FR000001 - FR53 53

Old List

  • add automated changelog page
  • add 3rd level nav bar drop down option
  • automate pull request to publish to gh-pages
  • create custom svg icon
  • quick view of post contents/reading time
  • Adjust menu toggle in Mobile view
  • leader board for level progression
  • Add keyboard shortcuts (e.g. ctl + / to toggle search)
  • Build Site map page example
  • Publish training article on Programming Historian
  • Add search functionality
  • Add tab functionality https://idratherbewriting.com/documentation-theme-jekyll/mydoc_navtabs.html
  • Add GUI instructions for the n00bs
  • Add language title to code blocks
  • Integrate Jupyter Notebooks into the site
  • add embedded todo button for viewing
  • update SEO, document setup https://jsinibardy.com/optimize-seo-jekyll
  • add next/back button to turn pages
  • enhance right side bar design - example
  • Cross reference features to documentation
  • alternate TOC structures (easy/med/hard) (pc/mac/linux) (by role)
  • add a tool kit page with all software tools used
  • Contribution Instructions
  • add plugins without plugins
  • Auto integrate/embed source code files into documentation
  • UI testing automation - Selenium
  • page revision view (diff)
  • integrate kanban board
  • build account based system
  • simulate generic business operations
  • build backend todo interface checking
  • Build note to article function/workflow