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Statement of Purpose

The comprehension of our universe is constantly morphed by the information available and what is considered to be true. That truth is the core of humanity’s internal struggle and desire to find, whether it be in the form of religion or science. Regardless of how the content in question is true or false, it is ultimately the individual who determines it. As we all know in today’s information age, truth has become easily accessible through the advent of the internet but becoming harder and harder to find through the vastness of information. Our society was not equipped to navigate through this sea of information and data, and the forces controlling this wealth are motivated by the capitalistic framework that drives our economy forward. Big businesses and government institutions have failed to harness this information revolution for the greater good as we can see by the growing wealth gap, and diminishing educational standards. I have been witnessing this trend towards greater economic disparity as information technology grows ever more important to the wellbeing of our society, which is why I am passionate to advance the knowledge of Information Science in the area of info tech education to enable public empowerment.


Personal Knowledge Management

Technological Literacy

Information Truth


Path of least resistance (PoLR)

Open Source As Possible (OSAP)

Keeping it stupid simple (KISS)