Continuously Deploy Jekyll to GitHub Pages with Travis-CI

By Amr

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Edit on Github

Start continuous integration with Travis CI for Jekyll website.

1. GitHub Pages & Jekyll

I have my person website hosted on Github Pages. I post new blogs by creating Markdown files(.md) and submit them to the repository on Github. Then, Github Pages(powered by Jekyll) starts to compile the entire website and publish it. In some cases, however, the compilation fails, and the new changes are not published. Then, GitHub Page will send a notification email to me. This email just reminds me that there is one build failure, but doesn’t tell what is the root cause.

Another approach is to use third-party service(eg. Travis CI) to display Jekyll build error messages, which is also recommended by Github Pages.

2. Travis CI

Travis CI is a hosted, distributed continuous integration service used to build and test software projects hosted at GitHub.

3. Configuration of GitHub Page

Add a file named Gemfile in the root of the GitHub Pages repository with the following content: Gemfile

source ''

gem 'github-pages'

Add another file named .travis.yml to the root of the GitHub Pages repository with the following content:

language: ruby
- 2.4
script: "bundle exec jekyll build"

Submit these two files to GitHub repository.

4. Configuration on Travis CI

Access the home page of Travis CI -, logon with your GitHub account. image All the public repositories will be displayed here. Find the Github Page repository and switch on for auto building. The only left thing to do is to make some changes to your repository. Travis CI starts building the website once it detects new changes are committed. image

5. Demo

Edit some files and submit them to GitHub. Few minutes later, you will receive one notification email from GitHub Page saying the page build failed. However, there is no detailed information of the failure. We don’t know what is the exact error. image Then, you will get another notification email from Travis CI. It also reminds you that the build is failed. image Click on the ‘Build was broken’ link. You will see the details about the current build(which is numbered 86 in this example). image Scroll down until you see the error marked in red. The error comes from Liquid(an open-source template language). It is complaining that the link to file ‘_posts/’ cannot be generated in ‘_posts/’. The file ‘developing-ios-app’ doesn’t exist. image Open file ‘_posts/’. The cause is found. In the last commit, I changed the file name from ‘developing-ios-app’ to ‘building-ios-app-with-xcode’. But I forgot to change the files which link to this file. image Correct the file name in ‘_posts/’ and submit the change to Github. No notification email from Github, instead, only one notification email from Travis CI. The new build(#87) succeeded. image Click on the ‘Build was fixed’ link. You will see the details about the latest build. image Scroll down, no error occurs this time. image

6. Travis CI Dashboard

The current activated repositories are listed in the dashboard. image Click on the repository, we get the latest build. image Branches. image Build history. image image

7. Reference