Integrate ShareThis to Jekyll website.

1. ShareThis

The ShareThis button is an all-in-one widget that lets people share any content on the web with friends via e-mail, AIM, or text message.

2. Creating Share Buttons

2.1 Registration

Go to to create a new account.

2.2 Choose Button Type

ShareThis provides two types of share button, inline buttons and sticky buttons. I choose sticky button for this tutorial. image

2.3 Button Design

You can design the share buttons. Add or remove buttons based on your needs. Set the alignment, button labels, counts, etc. image

2.4 Scripts

You will get the scripts. image Copy and add the scripts into _layouts/default.html.

<script type='text/javascript' src='//' async='async'></script>

4. Wrapping Up

We see the share buttons below the pagination bar. image image image Share to facebook. image Share to twitter. image Share to linkedin. image Access the website from mobile device. image

5. Cross Domain

ShareThis supports multiple domains. You can create different share buttons for different domains. For different domains, you will get different urls for sharethis.js. image

I deployed my personal website to two domains, and Both are generated based on the same codes,

We can use Jekyll Environment Variables to specify different urls for share buttons.

Edit _layouts/default.html, use jekyll.environment in the condition statement.

{% if jekyll.environment == "env-netlify" %}
  <script type='text/javascript' src='' async='async'></script>
{% else %}
  <script type='text/javascript' src='' async='async'></script>
{% endif %}

Edit netlify.toml, specify a “env-netlify” environment in the build command. Notice, is hosted on, we reply on netlify to build this website. netlify.toml is the configuration file.

  command = "JEKYLL_ENV=env-netlify jekyll build"
  publish = "_site/"


6. References: