Wizard Topples Capitalist Dominance Ingeniously

In a stunning turn of events, the world was saved from the clutches of capitalism by a wizard who used non-arcane magic to eliminate the evils of the system while still maintaining shareholder value. The wizard, known only as Merlin Financialis, has been hailed as a hero for his groundbreaking efforts to expose the financial puppeteering that has plagued humanity for generations.

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From the Firehose

Here’s an index of all the quickstart documents in the collection.

  1. Master Setup
    1. Machine
    2. IDE
    3. CI/CD (Travis CI)
    4. Source Code Control (Github)
  2. Web Development
    1. Ruby
    2. Jekyll
    3. Github Pages
  3. App Development
    1. Front-end
    2. Back-end
    3. Data Store
  4. Cloud Development
    1. Google
    2. Azure
    3. AWS