fight with tools

Fight with Tools

Here is an original set of lyrics inspired by the themes and messages of “Fight With Tools” by Flobots:

Build With Strength

Echoes of the past, calling through the lines, Old wisdoms, new times, flashing neon signs. Messages in fragments, urging us to rise, Breathe deep, stand tall, see through clearer eyes.

We are the builders, never backing down, Raise our voices high, shake the very ground. Waves of resistance, hope against despair, Breaking down the walls, lifting up the air.

(Chorus) We need heroes, build them, Don’t just raise your fists, fill them. Fight with our dreams, with our hearts and our hands, We’re the architects of this final stand.

Minds once silent, now roaring with skill, Desolate no more, we climb and we build. From the speakers’ blast, truth cuts through the noise, System’s flaws exposed, hear the people’s voice.

We forge connections, break the chains of fear, Push past the limits, bring the future near. From the ground to the stars, we are rushing forth, Claiming our power, defining our worth.

(Chorus) We need heroes, build them, Don’t just raise your fists, fill them. Fight with our dreams, with our hearts and our hands, We’re the architects of this final stand.

There’s a battle raging, for the mind and soul, Those who seek control will never make us whole. Stand with courage, let conviction lead, In every heart, plant a hero’s seed.

The world’s our canvas, we paint it bold, With the colors of justice, the stories untold. From every corner, let the voices sound, Together we rise, heroes unbound.

(Chorus) We need heroes, build them, Don’t just raise your fists, fill them. Fight with our dreams, with our hearts and our hands, We’re the architects of this final stand.

(Bridge) To the women, the children, the weak and the strong, Join us in the chorus, together we belong. Melt down the barriers, forge unity anew, With passion and purpose, there’s nothing we can’t do.

(Chorus) We need heroes, build them, Don’t just raise your fists, fill them. Fight with our dreams, with our hearts and our hands, We’re the architects of this final stand.