README - it-journey

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Welcome to the source code reposoity for


About is a collaborative platform dedicated to the world of Information Technology (IT). Our mission is to provide a comprehensive resource for IT professionals, students, and enthusiasts to learn, share, and grow in the dynamic field of IT.

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We welcome and appreciate contributions from the IT community. Here’s how you can be part of our journey:

  1. Become a Contributor: Share your expertise by writing articles or tutorials. Visit our ‘Contribute’ section for guidelines and submission details.
  2. Participate in Discussions: Join our forums, answer questions, or start new topics to engage with the community.
  3. Provide Feedback: Your suggestions help us improve. Use the ‘Feedback’ form on our site to share your thoughts.
  4. Share Resources: If you have resources like tools, books, or articles beneficial to the IT community, let us know!

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Thank you for being part of - Your Pathway to IT Mastery!

This template provides a clear and engaging overview of the site, its contents, and how users can contribute. You can tailor it to fit the specific features and guidelines of “”


From zero to hero collection of docs, tools, scripts, and information to support your IT journey

Pre reqs

Docker Image Build

docker build -t it-journey .

Docker Run


# run the docker image and mount the local directory to the container and open a bash shell
# Run the container in detached mode
docker run -d -p 4002:4002 -v ${GITHOME}/it-journey:/app --name it_container it-journey

# Start the container and run the CMD line from the Dockerfile
docker start my_container

# Attach to the running container
docker exec -it my_container /bin/bash



docker run -p 4002:4002 -v C:\Users\AmrAbdel-Motaleb\github\it-journey:/app it-journey

[!NOTE] Auto-regeneration may not work on some Windows versions


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